Monday, 28 June 2010

the philosopher's walk

The Philosopher's walk in Kyoto is so named after a philosophy professor - Nishida Kitaro, who used to walk along this cherry tree lined canal for his daily constitutional.
We started at the Ginkaku-ji (Silver temple) end and wandered down until hunger got the better of us and we stopped for a bowl of noddles & tofu - a specialty of this part of Kyoto.
Although it must be spectacular during sakura season, we really enjoyed the quietness, incredible greens of the trees in early summer, little cafés & shops and glimpses through doorways along the way.

Hiki recently did the same walk. You can see it through her eyes here.


  1. This area is beautiful during winter, too, although it gets very cold.

    Thank you for the beautiful photos!

  2. fantasticas!!!
    greetings from spain

  3. Dear Mary,
    These are heaven ! Perfection in every way.

  4. I understand Nishida Kitaro's choice to incorporate a daily constitutional into his life. Walking and thinking are something I'd rather never do without. The Philosopher's Walk looks like a lovely place to stroll and contemplate this world we live in.

  5. Just discovered your blog & wish I'd found it earlier!

    Love the personal glimpses, scenes -

    I've tried giving peeks into beloved London and Hawaii walks & this is inspiration, thank you!!

  6. wonderful - it must have been extra special doing that walk. i love how the green runs through your these pictures like a theme. so beautiful.

  7. so beautiful! i especially love the last photo.

  8. Est-il possible que je trouve une "faille spatio-temporelle" pour me rendre immédiatement dans ce magnifique lieu ? Car rien qu'en regardant tes photos je me sens apaisée... la magie opère même à travers l'écran d'un ordi !
